Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Basic Instinct

Everyone has heard the phrase "Follow your instincts," and in the dating world that should be your motto. Creatures were given "fight or flight" as a survival tactic in the wild and a good example of the "wild" is the dating scene. For instance, if you find yourself sitting across a space with someone on a first date and you're sensing that this person is giving off some weird vibes. Run. Don't waste your time with someone who is making your hair stand up on your arm. First impressions really are everything and your instincts will usually warn you about disaster waiting to happen. Now, if you are sitting there and you find yourself starting to relax, lean forward, and really engage with the person, you're most likely free from disaster. So take the time on the first date to really take notice of how you are feeling. If it's time to run make your excuses and peace out, but if you start to feel comfortable then you are probably following your instincts into a good thing.

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