Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scents that Men Love and Hate

I recently heard on the radio that the most appealing smell to men is the smell of warm pumpkin pie.


Well according to Dr. Alan Hirsch, Director of Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Center, "Throw away the perfume and go get some pumpkin pie." You mean I can throw away all those expensive Victoria Secret perfumes I have been buying for years? This goes against everything girls were told, shown in movies, and magazines. PUMPKIN PIE?!

Well after this mind blowing revelation I did more research on the matter. It turns out that women really are being mislead by places like Macy's, Victoria Secret, and Nordstroms. Men don't like scents that smell like desserts, floral arrangements (no shocker there), fruity body splashes, and baby powder. They are more aroused by scents such as fresh citrus, spicy florals, woody florals, and clean scents.

So the next time you go to reach for your $50 bottle of Romance by Ralph Lauren.. don't. The men want  you smelling like a nice, warm Thanksgiving dessert.


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