Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Wise Woman Once Said...

"Love is like vines. At the beginning, they start out small and grow upwards together. Although, throughout time they either grow and entwine together, or start to grow apart." - Jamie Cook

I couldn't agree more with this wise woman. When a relationship first starts you are like two vines that are just trying to grow into a full and successful relationship. There comes a time in the relationship where you need to start nourishing your relationship with new stimulation and it takes hard work to keep growing. It's about keeping the connection with the other person and if you let something start to lack then you will start to grow apart.  But, there is hope for you wandering vines. If you find yourself drifting apart, ask for help. Obviously what you're doing isn't working for you two and maybe a fresh perspective is all you need. So start asking close friends what works for them and you'll be surprised by how creative some people can be when it comes to making love work. Because love takes work and this work will create the direction you need to have your vines intertwine together again. 

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