Thursday, January 6, 2011

Differences You Can Learn To Embrace

To have a successful, happy relationship you don't need to be complete clones of each other. While everyone goes through that phase of "Oh, you like that, I like that too!" It's just not realistic to completely agree on everything. Plus that would get boring after awhile. So here are some major differences that, I promise, you can overlook or embrace as good conversation.

  1. Political views. Just become one person is a raging tree hugger and the other is super conservative doesn't mean you aren't compatible. Yes, while learning these facts about each other can be quite an adventure, you should be able to state your beliefs without the other person running for the hills. I know several couples, including my own, that are political opposites and you learn that when it comes to that time in early November, you just sleep in opposite rooms. ;) 
  2. Religious views. I realize that when it comes to religion people can walk a fine line. Some couples deal with family pressure, others just want to date within their own religion. This is perfectly fine, but on the chance you happen to find your perfect match that doesn't have the same religious views you do, don't snub them too quickly. Relationships are about growing and learning from the other. It's possible you could take turns visiting each other's religious venues and this will help to create stimulating conversations while getting to know each other. 
  3. Significant income difference. Money issues are the number one buzz kill of a healthy relationship. As long as you establish money goals and realize that one person is going to be contributing more to your lifestyle than the other you should be able to build a solid foundation. Just realize that money will be popping up many times and that you need to keep cool, calm, and collected with each other. 

1 comment:

  1. This is SO true! Josh and I might be two peas in a pod when it comes to having a loving, healthy relationship... but we have quite a few differences as well.

    I came from a Democratic family, as his family is Republican. I consider myself more of an independent. I remember, though, before I really even knew who Josh was... we got into a Facebook argument (lol) about Obama. I thought to myself, "WOW, I dislike this guy." But now look at us! :p

    With religion, Josh's family is more religious than mine. Religion has never been a major topic of discussion within my family. When Josh and I started to get serious, however, our relationship has positively influenced the religious part of my life.

    Income difference - well. Josh makes a LOT more money than I do/have been making. He has a great job, makes excellent money even with part time, gets health insurance through it... the whole shebang. As for me? I haven't gotten a raise in the last two years I have begun working at the shop. Understandable that the store is family-owned and money tight... I don't mind it too much, it's been a good college job. I will be looking for a different, higher income job this year, as we are now engaged and plan on moving out... I need to boost my paycheck. We work together, though. Who pays what, etc. That is so, SO important.
