Thursday, December 9, 2010

3 Quick Dating Etiquette Tips

While there is A LOT more to dating etiquette then one would imagine, here are three quick tips to get you through a date. 
  1. Show up on time. While some would say "even early"... I wouldn't recommend that. Some girls will be late no matter how hard they try, while others will be ready an hour early. You just can't predict this fact, so play it safe. Date is set for 7pm... be there at 7pm. Seasonal tip: Be smart. If it's winter do a girl a favor and leave the car running so it will stay warm. 
  2. Don't bring up religion, sex, or politics. This tip you really should have learned growing up, but literally 9 out of 10 leads to disaster on a date. Only times to break this rule is if you met under circumstances where it was relevant (i.e. Political convention, church group, etc.) Although I'm not saying to never bring it up. Eventually it does and even if you do end up disagreeing, hopefully, you will have given the person enough time to decide you really are a decent person despite being a Republican (or vice versa). 
  3. Dating is supposed to be fun and both parties should be contributing ideas. Ladies, you can't go into a date expecting the man to be prepared for every awkward silence or have an idea for each date. Men you can't just ask a girl out on a date and think your job is done. To have a date that is both fun and goes smoothly, both parties need to participate to have an enjoyable evening. 

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