As the Holiday Season is really starting to get in full swing it definitely appears that romance is in the air. Ironically, even with all this romantic air being shoved in our faces daily there just never seems to be enough time for it. Between job, shopping, sleeping, baking, wrapping, making, sewing, blah, blah, blah, etc. Who has time to romance someone?
Well, with some prior planning to this dilemma and a little bit of research I found 10 romantic things to do with a significant other on the cheap. Since we are all trying to buy the best gifts and still stay in the black with our bank accounts, here are some tips.
Number 10: Link arms and window shop through an outdoor mall (i.e. Easton Towne Center) I’m not going to lie… this was literally the most wonderful thing to do on the first cold day of the season. Window shopping allows you to browse through stores you normally would not shop at, such as Tiffany’s & Co. or Crate and Barrel. Each of these stores brings out a new side of you the other person might not know about and creates great stories. Plus it’s free… except for lunch, but that’s a necessary expense. Side Note: Leave your wallet in the car to eliminate unnecessary spending.
Number 9: Decorate a tree or pretty much any part of your living space together. I have decorated the same banister in our house for 6 years and this is the first year I actually enjoyed every second. It’s hard to explain, but this banister has been the bane of my holiday existence and Caleb actually made it fun. I would definitely recommend listening to christmas music you both can sing along to! Side Note: Pick a space and take turns.. when you get tired or bored lay down on the floor surrounded by the mess and admire your work so far.
Number 8: Make your christmas gifts for each other’s parents. Just make sure they are good ideas and fabulously executed. Don’t give your parents a crappy gift because that’s only acceptable when you were 10. I can’t go into detail about this one because my mom reads my blog. Get creative!
Number 7: Sit by a Christmas tree and tell each other stories about your favorite Holiday memories. Obviously swapping stories about your childhood christmas is a great way to bond. I would recommend keeping the tragic stories about Fido dying or how you didn’t give Stretch Arm Strong when you were 10 for a later date. This experience should be about the good memories and possibly about future Christmases to come.. 
Number 6: Buy two candy cane hot chocolates from Tim Hortons. We discovered this delicious treat this past weekend and if you are willing to put your diet on hold for a hot second… it’s totally worth it. Chocolate releases endorphins which is also associated with the feeling of being in love. So take a careful sip of this hot treat and a good long look at your huni because both of you will be feeling the love.
Number 5: Rent a Christmas Movie you both enjoy quoting. This one is pretty much self-explanatory. Who wouldn’t want to spend an evening quoting ELF?
Number 4: Make gingerbread houses to be table center pieces. (You may add children to this activity if you wish) For the past 3 years my mother and I have made gingerbread houses and it has literally become my favorite tradition. Swap Caleb in for Mom and this will be a very cute way to spend an afternoon being playful and creative. Creativity fuels the romance in a relationship… I read that somewhere. Anyways… All you need are eggs (mixed with sugar to make the glue), graham crackers, M&Ms, and gum drops. With these essentials you’ll be spending just over $10 and building a tradition that is totally awesome.
Number 3: Hold hands and take a walk at night in the snow. I literally don’t think there is anything more romantic than the first snow fall at night. Something about being surrounded by the perfect little flakes, preferably near an old fashion lamp-post, just gets my heart a-fluttering.
Number 2: Experience the Christmas lights at your local Zoo. Going to the zoo during Christmas time is an experience I’ll never forget. Admission for two adults is about $24 unless you are lucky enough to get some sort of discount. After wandering around the place make sure to check to see if your Zoo offers a light show. The one at the Columbus Zoo is absolutely mind-blowing. Side Note: I would recommend getting there at 5pm when they open because no one is there yet and the animals are eating dinner. Two very good things: No pushy little kids and very cute animals munching away!
Number 1: Buy some Mistletoe. This is my number one favorite romantic thing because it is sooooo simple, but gives the best stomach butterflies. You can pick up a fake mistletoe piece at your local grocery store like Walmart or Meijer for under $2 or make your own. Then, just stick it over a doorway both you and your love muffin walk under frequently and BOOM… you’re kissing every other trip down the stairs!
So even though you are probably starting to stress out because you haven’t found the perfect gift for your significant other… take the time to be romantic. I guarantee this holiday season will be a lot more fun and it’s a good way to end the year with lots of love.
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